
Next to my academic research, I regularly write analyses and opinion pieces for international media outlets. My articles have previously appeared in the New Eastern Europe MagazineThe DiplomatVisegrad InsightSocial Europe and the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), among others. I am also a current contributing writer to the Hungarian Observer, an English-language newsletter on Hungarian politics, culture and current affairs.

Below, you find an overview of my ongoing academic research, conference presentations and non-academic publications.

What’s trust got to do with it? Unpacking the role of generalised trust in anti-immigrant attitudes in Eastern versus Western Europe.

What fuels electoral support for Populist and Populist Radical Right parties in CEE? The role of democratic satisfaction in post-communist Europe

Hungary: Between democratic breakdown and authoritarian consolidation – The role of party convergence, populist radical right politics, and polarization

Revisiting Renan: The discursive construction of Austrian and Hungarian national identities in comparative perspective.

Greilinger G. and Mudde C. (2024) Talking left, voting right: an assessment of far-right voting on socio-economic issues in the European Parliament, Policy Brief 2024.05, ETUI.

(Selection – see CV for complete list)

Will the centre-right enable the far-right in Austria at September’s election? (2024). EUobserver.

Austria’s silver lining. (2024). IPS Journal.

When ‘never again’ becomes ‘again and again’. (2024). Social Europe.

Normalising the far right: a warning from Austria. (2024). Social Europe.

Orbán’s Bid to Shape Hungary’s Next Generation Through Education Reform. (2023). Visegrad Insight.

How Fidesz’s irredentism strains neighbourly relations. (2023). New Eastern Europe, (03+04 (56)), 95-102.

Hungary’s Eastern Opening Policy as a Long-Term Political-Economic Strategy. AIES Fokus 4/2023.

How Hungary’s Russia connection undermines EU support for Ukraine. (2023). New Eastern Europe, (01+02 (55)), 75-81.

Exploiting every crisis: why the FPÖ is topping the polls. (2023). Social Europe.

China’s Growing Foothold in Hungary. (2023). The Diplomat.

Shaping conceptions of ‘normal’? – Normative Power Europe and EU sanctions against Russia and Syria (Master Thesis, Political Science)

Euroscepticism on the rise among the Hungarian government party – A case study of Viktor Orbán’s Eurosceptic rhetoric. (Master Thesis, European Studies)

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago (IL), April 2024